Mediumship… Spiritually linking this world to the next… Discover that life continues beyond the veil called death.
You may have Spiritual Gifts… find out and develop them. Learn about the various forms of mediumship at the beautiful Acacia Centre, Murcia, Spain
There is a great deal of controversy and indeed, confusion over communication from those who have passed on. It becomes easier to understand, however, if you think of everyone and everything as being composed of a vibrating energy at different levels. When someone passes over it is simply a case of shedding the physical vibration but remaining in existence at another level.
An analogy that is used very often when referring to mediumship is that of a radio station. If you are listening to Radio 2, for example, it does not mean that other radio stations are not playing. It simply means that you have not tuned in to any other station. If you play another radio in the same room and tune it into Radio one you will hear both stations playing.
These vibrations over the airwaves are there constantly. It simply needs an instrument that can tune into them in order for them to be heard (or seen as in television). A medium is one such instrument. A medium can raise or lower their particular vibration to “tune in” to other airwaves or levels and so be able to communicate information between levels.
There can be no doubt that we do indeed survive physical death and that communication is possible between the worlds. The evidence for this is overwhelming and has been well investigated and documented over the years. This evidence can take the form of physical phenomena (where people who have passed on can move objects, speak directly or even physically appear to those on the physical plane), or mental phenomena (where messages can be passed on clairvoyantly, clairaudiently or clairsentiently, by a medium).
Evidence of the survival of loved ones who have passed on should be, and almost always is, very personal to the recipient.
Those who have passed on do not suddenly change into angelic, all-knowing beings but very often just want to convey their love to those whom they have left behind. They can identify themselves best by showing those physical and personality characteristics that will be immediately recognised.
They almost always come back with some kind of helpful message because they are not restricted by the limitations of the physical body anymore. They can often see what is happening around their loved ones and present it as evidence through a medium
Mediumship should not be confused, however, with fortune telling, which is something quite different. To tell someone’s fortune you need to be psychic but not necessarily in contact with someone in the spirit world. To be a medium you need to be psychic and connected with a spirit person.
If you are interested and need more information on mediumship, please don’t hesitate to ask us.